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Ryo Tanaka
Drummer, Musician
Born in May 9th, 1979
From Yokohama, JAPAN
Lives in Brooklyn, NY
Ryo Tanaka started to play drums when he was five years old and started his professional career when he was fifteen. His style is based on Rock/Pop but he experienced many styles of music in his early years. In 2003, he was selected for a starting house band member of Rock music bar 08:30, eight thirty, in Tokyo. At the same time, he joined the major pop band Spica. They released five CDs and toured all over Japan many times. In 2010, He quitted the band and enrolled Berklee College of Music to develop his musical skill. He took lessons from Mike Mangini, Dave Dicenso, Rod Mogenstein, Mark Walker, and Terry lynn Carrington etc for drums, and Joe Carrier, Bill Elliott, Tsunenori "Lee" Abe etc for composing and arranging. He graduated as a Summa Cum Laude of a Bachelor of Music in the year of 2013, majoring in Professional Music and minoring in Liberal Arts Global Studies. Also he was selected for Professional Music Achievement Award. Now he works on music in New York. Contact info: 5才でドラムを始め中学生の頃からバンド活動を開始。2003年より東京は南青山の生演奏ロックバー『08:30』のハウスバンドメンバーとなり、訪れる一流ミュージシャンと共演する事多数。同時期にポップロックバンド、スピカでメジャーデビュー。通算5枚のアルバムを制作し、全国ツアーなど精力的に活動するも2010年に脱退。同年単身渡米、バークリー音楽大学に進学しドラムをMike Mangini, Dave DiCenso, Rod Morgenstein, Mark Walker, Terry lynn Carrington等に、作編曲をJoe Carrier, Bill Elliott, Tsunenori "Lee" Abe等に師事。2013年、Professional Music Degree Courseを首席で卒業、副専攻としてLiberal Arts Global Studiesを修了。Professional Music Achievement Awardを受賞。現在ニューヨークを拠点に活動中。 各種ご依頼はdrummerryo@gmail.comまでよろしくお願いします。
Played with…
Fusanosuke Kondo, Char, Godiego, T.M. Stevens, Shane Gaalaas, Peelander-Z, Rina Aiuchi, Aiko Kitahara, Kenji Hino, Nylon Pink, Momentum Drums, Rhythm of the Universe、Eren Başbuğ, Von Voigt, etc
近藤房之助、Char、Godiego、T.M.Stevens、Shane Gaalaas、Peelander-Z、愛内里菜、北原愛子、日野賢二、Nylon Pink、Momentum Drums、Rhythm of the Universe、Eren Başbuğ、Von Voigt、他